Top Interior Design Trends in Australia for 2023

WORDS: Diana Smith PHOTOGRAPHY Supplied

Australia might not be known for amazing interior design trends, but we’re very much in the loop with all the trends that come out of the big design capitals over the year. If you’re planning a home remodel in the upcoming year, you have a lot of ideas to choose from. Here are a few trends experts expect to see everywhere in 2023—they are yours to get inspired.

Colour trends to look out for

We all know that grey has been the absolute favourite colour of all designers in the past few years. Today, this neutral colour is a bit dated, and we expect to see a shift towards bolder and more vibrant hues. When buying furniture, consider shades like vibrant blue, turquoise, sea-inspired green, orange and terracotta. 2023 will be the era perfect for people who love a splash of colour in their space, so don’t hesitate to go bold.

Textured walls

If you’re not willing to sacrifice your minimalist aesthetics for vibrant colours, you can add interest and warmth to your space with textures. When it comes to walls, Australians up-to-date with trends will be rushing to install textured wallpapers and Venetian plaster. If you don’t want to pay a professional to apply Venetian plaster to your walls, you can choose a simpler solution like French wash paint. With this approach, you can easily DIY your walls and still end up with a textured and layered surface that will be so popular in the upcoming years.

Modern balconies

People who live in apartments in big cities like Sydney always complain about the lack of connection with nature. While for many, it’s simply impossible to move to a house with a big green garden, people found a way to bring nature to their small apartments. With modern and well-designed balconies, many Australians can enjoy the fresh air, morning sun and connection with the outside world without spending too much money. With very popular glass balustrades in Sydney, balconies are getting airier and more visually appealing. Glass balustrades allow plenty of light to reach the floor of the balcony, making it a perfect location for planters and herb gardens.

Kitchen trends

In 2020, 2021 and 2022, the pandemic years, many Australians were forced to stay at home. Thus, outdoor kitchens were popping up all over the country, and the world for that fact. Since the pandemic is slowly going away and we can all go back to our regular lives, the kitchens are returning back to normal as well. However, there’s one prominent trend in kitchen design to look out for—accessible kitchens. The Australian public is ageing, and many retirees are choosing to age gracefully in their homes instead of senior homes. Things like large sinks, prominent kitchen islands, non-slip floors, and smart appliances all make kitchens more accessible and safe for the older population.

Imperfect art

It seems that we’re all a little bit sick of perfection. We can see perfect people, animals and objects on TV and social media at all times, but we know well enough that perfection is not possible to maintain at all times. That’s why many people are opting to create unique homes full of character instead of perfection. When choosing art pieces or any decoration, think about the artistry and value behind it. To find some perfectly imperfect pieces, it’s necessary to dig deeper than your nearest store—visit flea markets, yard sales and especially small local art and ceramics studios.

Maximalism of the 80s

If you’re interested in what’s happening across the pond, why not add a touch of Los Angeles during the 80s to your home? The 1980s were obsessed with old Hollywood glamour mixed with the remnants of the glitz of the 70s. If you find this a bit confusing, just picture an intriguing mishmash of styles with bold sculptural furniture and artsy decoration. Start your 1980s maximalist journey with comfy low-sitting sofas, cane armchairs and vintage decorative pieces collected from thrift shops (or your grandma’s house).

We certainly have a lot of changes to make to our homes if we want to live in 100% up-to-date spaces. While you don’t have to adopt all of these trends, it’s nice to have a modern Australian house to call home, so at least consider some of these ideas for your upcoming reno.