Talk Times with Principal Grimes – Lost in the Crowd? We’ll find you!
Schools have long moved away from academic study and achievement being the only area of endeavour or interest, and now recognise the importance of emotional well-being. Some have trodden down the path of believing that happiness is their goal and talk to students about being happy – but should it be? Why is it that so many young people feel lost at school? Why do so many young people feel lost in their various communities and struggle to find connection? Is the answer found in happiness?
A.B. Paterson College has the Mission, ‘To challenge the individual to achieve, and to act with purpose and character.’ We believe that a life in which we flourish, one with purpose, stems from the development of our Character Strengths. Research has identified 24-character strengths, which have been grouped into the following six virtues: Wisdom, Courage, Humanity, Justice, Temperance, and Transcendence.
Life is, at times, difficult. People must face significant challenges throughout their lives, and we cannot always be happy – a sad, but true, fact. The development of our Character Strengths can, however, help us to face these challenges with greater robustness. They give us the skills and attributes to help us manage challenging issues, face problems with perspective, wisdom, humanity, courage, and when necessary, forgiveness, humility, prudence, self-regulation, gratitude, hope, appreciation, humour and spirituality. Developing these Character Strengths help us to be resilient and flourish in our life.
The more we learn about ourselves, the more we find ourselves, and the more we learn about others.
The more we appreciate and develop our own Character Strengths, the more we appreciate Character Strengths in others, and the better our chance to genuinely lead and develop other people. Leadership does not begin with others; it begins with ourselves.
At A.B. Paterson College we believe that for young people to truly succeed, they need to feel connected, and this can only happen when they know who they are. Our holistic approach to the development of Character Strengths permeates all that we do, as we help young people develop self-awareness. Through doing so, we develop the Character Strengths that build resilience and enable students to face life’s challenges with confidence and a strong sense of self. Our holistic approach develops a common language, shared between staff and students that enables all to be the very best version of themselves.
Too many young people are feeling lost in their schools, feel they are not known, appreciated or even valued.
At A.B. Paterson College, we believe you can achieve and we will help you to discover who you are.
A.B. Paterson College – we’ll find you.
• For more information visit or contact Head of Admissions on 07 5594 7947. 10 A.B. Paterson Drive, Arundel.
Lost in the Crowd? We’ll find you!