Amazing Workforce Happiness Tips That Will Make All Your Employees Satisfied


WORDS: Peter Minkoff PHOTOGRAPHY Supplied

Workplace happiness is one of the most important factors that employees value. According to some reports, it is even more important than the salary itself. This makes sense because spending at least eight hours in a toxic workplace atmosphere can have a terrible toll on someone’s mental and physical well-being. So if you’re a boss or a business owner, then it is important that you ensure that all your employees feel satisfied and appreciated. Here are some workplace happiness tips that will help you achieve that. 

Make them feel heard 

Sometimes the relationship between employees can be a bit strained, or you as a boss might have issues managing people. Therefore it is crucial to put your ego aside, and allow your employees to feel validated and heard. Make sure to allow them to communicate their issues and worries, and of course, make sure to find a solution as soon as possible. Setting up an HR department might be the first step in the right direction. 

Stay away from micromanagement 

Of course, there are times when there is no choice but to tighten your control, especially during busy and stressful work periods. However, micromanaging your employees can cause them to feel resentful, so be sure to stay away from this practice. If your micromanaging stems from your personal anxiety, then it’s advisable to address that with a therapist. Rather than micromanaging employees, it is better to trust them and allow them to trust you as a leader. Of course, feel free to take a look and check on them, but don’t be too strict about it. 

Use smart technologies 

There are many tech solutions that can increase productivity and contribute to a better workplace atmosphere. If your employees use multiple software and other technologies,

That can strengthen communication and security within your company. This can be especially meaningful if your line of work is about handling sensitive client data. Working with clients means your team has to excel at communication, which is why it’s important to use a cms training portal in order to help employees learn most effectively. Smart technologies like this one can boost client communication, improve document management, and of course, contribute to better productivity and overall workplace relationships. 

Avoid negativity (unless you can’t help it) 

Negativity is the true enemy of success and happiness. Add negativity to your workplace, and you’ll have disgruntled employees who can’t wait to log off and go home. The last thing you want is to get the bare minimum out of your employees. Hence, avoiding negativity should be the first step. Make sure to praise your employees, in order to boost their workplace self-esteem. Sure, in case there’s bad news that needs to be discussed, make sure to address that in a kind and uplifting manner. 

Beautify the workplace 

The workplace environment can play a tremendous role. So aside from tech solutions, be sure to create a workspace that will promote productivity, calmness and motivation. Paint the walls, add feel free to include biophilic interior design solutions. Also, make sure that all your employees have basic necessities such as snacks, drinks and female hygiene products. If there’s an option, create an outdoor lounge space, such as a rooftop or backyard, and equip them with comfortable chairs. Working outdoors can have a positive effect on one’s productivity. 

Be clear when communicating goals 

As a business owner/leader/manager, it is your mission to be clear when communicating with employees. In case you’re discussing future projects and goals, then it is absolutely a must to be precise, clear and informative. In that case, the employees will have a concrete idea of what’s expected of them, so you won’t waste your time explaining things over and over again. That type of clear communication should be mandatory in your company regardless of whether we’re talking about entry positions or managerial roles. 


Happiness at the workplace can make or break your business. These tips will help you establish a positive atmosphere that will make all employees feel seen and heard. Investing in technologies, honest communication, and staying away from micromanaging will help you create a positive and happy workplace atmosphere.