What to Look for When Hiring a Lawyer


WORDS: Peter Minkoff PHOTOGRAPHY Supplied

Truth be told there is very little that people can achieve in a courtroom without a lawyer. The legal systems of the world are becoming more and more nuanced and intricate. That is why many successful lawyers always specialize in a particular field. Your legal challenge is always unique in a specific context and it requires attention to detail that only a good lawyer can provide. This can drastically impact the level of compensation that you will receive. So, how does one choose the best lawyer possible for their case. Here is a deeper look at some of the most important characteristics of a great lawyer. 

Willingness to communicate

There is nothing more frustrating than a lawyer who leaves you even more confused and clueless after a conversation. There is always some missing piece of information, a half-truth or a missing clue. Lawyers who neglect their clients and do not convey important information promptly are doing more harm than good. Luckily, there are many great law firms on the rise in developed countries such as Australia, where law firms managed to outperform their global counterparts in 2022. This means that there are important things to consider when hiring a law firm. For instance, if your lawyer is busy during the day with in-field activities, you should still be able to contact their office and communicate with the staff present there. Luckily, nowadays communication can be realized using many various approaches; e-mail, text even video. When you are communicating with your lawyer make sure to ask anything that you might find relevant. It is important to understand that there are no ‘stupid’ questions, and everything you have to ask matters. Some legal cases require years to complete and can be quite difficult to understand. That is why you will make the most out of your case if you express any potential concerns that you might have. If you want a reliable service, you should seek out one of the most reputable law firms in Sydney CBD, which is going to help you with every step of the entire legal process. Clients should feel total trust and confidence with their lawyers. 

Relevant experience

Standing the test of time is by far the most important indicator in the world of legal affairs. A good lawyer should be experienced especially in the field that you need services in. All the experience in the world won’t mean much if you require a service regarding a personal injury, but your lawyer specializes in corporate law. You can determine if your lawyer is experienced enough for you by asking the right questions. How many similar cases have they had? How long have they been practicing law? What is their education background? How reputable is their law firm? These are some of the things that will get you headed in the right direction. 


A good lawyer should be honest with you. This means that their services should revolve around conveying realistic points in a truthful and completely transparent manner. A common red flag to notice is a yes-man lawyer who is willing to promise you anything and everything just to get some down payment first. Great lawyers are able to survive in the industry for a long time because they show great integrity. If your case is unlikely to result in good outcomes, they will be upfront about it and try to offer you honest advice. 

Reasonable fees

Once you identify some of the main traits of your lawyer, it is also important to consider the pricing. Some firms will only offer their services if they charge you by the hour. Which will vary depending on their experience or seniority. On the other hand, there are law firms that will offer a contingency fee arrangement.  This means that they will only charge you a percentage of the monetary recovery that they make for you as a client. However, if they fail to achieve this recovery, they will not charge you. Note that this is not all too common. That is why you should always ask openly about their fee structure. 

Good character

Lastly, apart from all the technical details. You should assess your potential lawyers just like you would any other person that you handle important matters with. A good character can be spotted a mile away and it is not even necessarily about the things that they say or claim, but it is rather expressed through subtle details that show good intentions and a positive attitude. 

Choosing a good lawyer can dramatically improve the outcome of your case. To ensure this you should look for a lawyer that: is willing to communicate honestly and openly, has the relevant experience, shows good character and charges reasonable fees.