The Vampire Facial

WORDS: Compiled by Marina Barlett, Bella Donna Founder and Registered Cosmetic Nurse PHOTOGRAPHY Supplied - Bella Donna

DID you know that at around 25 to 30 years of age, your body’s collagen production rate starts to decrease and continues to drop as you age?

Less natural collagen production combined with ageing and lifestyle factors means our skin can start to look dull, saggy, dry, crepey and lifeless pretty quick.

Using collagen induction treatments to build more collagen and elastin can help keep our skin looking fresh, plump, luminous and hydrated.

This is where treatments like The Vampire Facial come in. The Vampire Facial boosts the natural production of collagen and elastin in the skin.

The Vampire Facial is an effective, non-surgical way of improving the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne, acne scarring, laxity of skin, skin tone and texture as well as improving the skin’s integrity.

With the use of our body’s own natural-occurring PRP Platelet Rich Plasma and the amazing technology of micro needles, The Vampire Facial will have you looking refreshed and glowing in no time.

It is perfect for someone who is looking for a more natural alternative for more rejuvenated, smoother, firmer and healthier-looking skin.