Editor’s Note

WORDS: Brian Usher PHOTOGRAPHY Ocean Road Magazine

Truth is often stranger than fiction, or so they say. The recent US elections have left many people scratching their heads. Some would say that Donald Trump is an egotistical madman but in really, if you take all the bravado away he was simply the best option. Best of a bad bunch you might say, but when Americans asked themselves the simple question “Are we better off financially under Biden or Trump” the answer was clear. It remains to be seen how this will play out for Australia but there is one thing for sure, it will be far better than the Kamala Harris option.

The WOKE must also be doing some soul-searching after this landslide result. The vocal minority were put in their place. The people have spoken and Trump this time around WILL drain the swamp and get the US economy humming. Making America great again!

The tide is also turning in Australia with a landslide victory in the recent Queensland election and Labor clearly on the nose federally. The Australian WOKE FOLK might need to follow the lead in the US and ‘Get out of Dodge’ as the shift away from catering for the vocal minority seems to be fast approaching.

Time also seems to be up for youth offenders in QLD with the new legislation to come into power in the coming weeks. The media have made a big deal of this problem, and I am unsure if it’s real or a beat-up to sell newspapers. David Crisafulli is a man of his word, and the QLD Police and judicial system will soon have new tools to come down hard on youth crime. I only hope that those who can be saved from incarceration are given every chance to move away from a life of crime and become useful members of society. Far better for all concerned. Maybe a better option for our overfull jails might be home detention, putting the responsibility back on the parents who clearly don’t know where their children are or what they are up to in many cases.

We hope you enjoy this edition. It certainly has a few surprises. Our Cover Model Laillani Ainsley is certainly one to watch. She has a big future, bigger than you can imagine. We were also lucky enough to spend some time at Hotel Komune Bali, enjoying their wellness package not to mention a few quality waves straight out the front, at the world-famous Keramus right-hander. Pull In!