Beauty food
Do you have a food intolerance? Is there an enemy quietly lurking in your diet? Do you even know? If so, it could be wrecking your health — and your figure. The time is now to check your intake and take back control.
So often when we’re just not quite feeling right we look at a long list of problems.
We may worry about our figure, but feel overwhelmed at doing anything to make a change.
We fret so much our skin breaks out, and that stresses us even more. Our hair isn’t glossy, our mood is flat, and everything feels like an effort.
It’s interesting to hear someone tie all of these pieces together. Deborah Manners, director of the Food Intolerance Institute of Australia, says the secret to fixing all of this is personalising your diet.
“Taking the time to discover whether you have food sensitivities is time well spent,” she says. “Three in four people are affected — and we have helped thousands. We understand the huge differences the right diet makes in any life.”
As well as being qualified with a Bachelor of Science with Honours and a Diploma of Education, Manners is qualified with 40 years of personal experience. For all of those decades, she had an unchecked metabolism and saw the physical repercussions of that.
“The benefits of switching a few foods are stunning,” Manners says.
She points to the findings of the Food Intolerance Institute’s survey, in which more than 900 people took part.
“All had discovered at least one food intolerance using our Journal Method and had substituted ‘problem’ foods,” she says.
After substituting a ‘problem’ food:
79 per cent of respondents said stomach bloating was better
38 per cent of overweight respondents had weight loss without trying
50 per cent noticed a brighter mood
21 per cent noticed more joint mobility
70 per cent had increased energy, and
48 per cent need fewer medications.
What’s really interesting is the number of people (women and men) who are living with messed up metabolisms without understanding why.
This is something you should investigate if you are storing fat, for instance, rather than burning it. So if you feel like you’re exercising but not shifting weight and watching the scales bump up in the wrong direction, look at this a little closer — also if you’ve repeatedly tried diets and they fail to have a lasting impact.
Other key indicators of food intolerance are craving and binging on the foods that make us sick. Migraines? Fatigue? Fluid retention? Bloating? All of these are symptoms to look out for and recognise as red flags.
The two most common food intolerances are wheat and dairy. Consider that Australians are among the highest per capita consumers of milk. Per person per year? More than 102 litres. Yes, really.
Your daily latte could be triggering your intolerance. So too could the yoghurt you’re eating for breakfast that you think is doing you good, milkshake treats, or even butter.
The Food Intolerance Institute of Australia says that food intolerances are as individual and unique as the people who have them. Fruit could be your issue, or cereal or certain additives.
Worth some further investigation? Yes, we thought so too.
What can you do? The Food Intolerance Institute of Australia recommends you personalise your diet. How to get started? Go to the institute’s website (foodintol.com) and complete the free self-assessment about your symptoms and family history. Armed with your personal profile, you can use the famous Journal Method to nail down your ‘problem foods’. Go to www.foodintol.com and click ‘Free Self-Assess Test’.