3 Essential Personal Hygiene Tips for Seniors

WORDS: PHOTOGRAPHY Andrea Piacquadio

Many factors come into play in staying healthy, and personal hygiene is one. It is essential to maintain cleanliness and practice proper hygiene to keep germs away, avoid infections and other diseases, and to have an overall sense of well-being. Still, some people neglect to better care for themselves regarding personal hygiene, especially when they get older.

As you age, your daily routine changes, and life becomes more challenging. Your immune system is not as strong as it once was, and it becomes much easier to get sick. You may also feel physically weaker and may even have some mobility issues. You may find it more demanding to practice good hygiene when this happens. However, poor hygiene can result in various health conditions, from skin problems to allergies and infections.

The older you get, the more critical it is to keep yourself clean. Apart from reducing the risk of getting sick, you also look good and feel better, which is beneficial for your mental health. Ageing should not keep you from practising good personal hygiene.

Below are three essential personal hygiene tips for seniors to follow.

1. Bathe regularly

People should bathe daily. If your doctor recommends specific bathing instructions, ensure that you follow them. When showering, it is best to use a mild soap and shampoo. Your skin is more sensitive and prone to rashes and other skin problems as you age.

So, choose a skin cleanser without harsh ingredients that can hurt your skin. Similarly, choose a gentle shampoo to reduce the risk of developing scalp infections and damaged hair.

After showering, air-dry your hair before styling. Avoid using the same clothes you wore to avoid body odour. If you have incontinence issues, it is best to wear adult diapers that help you prevent bladder leaks and unpleasant odours. As a result, you worry less wherever you are and feel fresh and comfortable at all times.


2. Look after your skin

Generally, your skin becomes dryer as you get older, making it more susceptible to rashes and abrasions, which can be pretty uncomfortable. When you neglect to care for your skin, wounds can even lead to infections. The best way to keep your skin healthier is by applying lotion after bathing to provide it with moisture depleted from soaping and washing.

Choose one that is hypoallergenic and apply it all over your body. Likewise, ensure that you moisturise your face after washing to help hydrate your skin and keep it from drying and developing more wrinkles.


3. Practice proper oral hygiene

It is common for the elderly to develop gum disease and tooth decay. Thus, it is vital to practice proper oral hygiene and keep your teeth and gums healthy. Make it a habit to brush your teeth twice a day, when you wake up and before bed.

It is also best to floss to remove food particles thoroughly. If you have implants or dentures, follow the instructions on caring for them properly.

By practising good personal hygiene, you keep yourself healthy, physically and mentally.